The Sacred Valley of the Incas

Peru is a colorful dream, everyday amazing things happen to us. After tiny dark cabins in the eucalyptus forest, we splurged for 2 days on a beautiful hacienda for 55$ a night, and the owner was the head archaeologist for Machu Picchu in the 80´s-- he came to talk to us for three hours after cafe con leche about the history and vibration of the stones, and the soul of these white granite mountains, and the spirit world that is meshed with the architecture, the living Quechua myths, the spiritual truth of the Andeans compared to the educated world of truth, how fluid truth is, heady conversation, left us in a daze of wonder.

This valley is the heartland of the Inca, feels good to be here, this little town is tourist free right now, just us, there is a festival going on, fire works at 6 am, fermented corn beer flows, the Quechua here are celebrating the harvest, it´s going now into the late fall-winter, dark at 6pm, and some patron Catholic saint day, the combination of two spiritual truths. The mountains here are like the energy of the ocean, tall straight up to the sky, with clouds dancing beneath the snow capped peaks, they feel alive. The Inca knew they were alive, this is where the gods and the mother earth connect.

We got on a local bus today, VW van, with 20 people on board, most in their native dress, and their wild colorful peruvian hats, each village has its own style of hat, the driver kept stopping, we couldn´t possibly get any more in, and we keep stopping, we went 15 miles for thirty cents. We were so packed in the driver had to get out and help us puzzle out the door. Tonight we are in a new village, Ollayantambo, the streets were laid out by the Inca, in 1450, and it still is the same village and streets, straight, all stone, with a water trought down one side, 8 feet wide.